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PC only game
85 Players
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Ninja control mouse-all mouse-all or mouse-all mouse-all
Jump mouse-all or mouse-all
Crouch mouse-all or mouse-all
Fire mouse-all
Take off / Do somersault mouse-all
Throw shuriken mouse-all
Recharge mouse-all
Throw away the weapon mouse-all
Change weapon mouse-all
Choose another weapon mouse-all
Lie down mouse-all
Throw away the flag mouse-all mouse-all mouse-all
Show or hide controls mouse-all
Ranking table mouse-all
Open the chat mouse-all or mouse-all
Pause mouse-all

Here roam the deadliest ninja assassins, now armed to the teeth. You will become one of them to fight with others and prove your superiority. The game offers two modes: “Meatgrinder”, where everyone is for himself, and “Flags”, where the team of assassins must work together to defeat the enemy.

Before the battle starts, you need to choose the main and additional weapons for your ninja. In the arsenal there are also shurikens, which can injure both enemies and the player himself. In addition, the warrior is able to soar into the air, creating an energy field to dodge enemy attacks.

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