Die and Repeat

Unfortunately, this game is no longer available
PC only game
167 Players
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Box movement mouse-all mouse-all or mouse-all mouse-all
Jump mouse-all or mouse-all or mouse-all or mouse-all or mouse-all or mouse-all
Die mouse-all
Pause mouse-all

This game offers a unique approach to passing levels, where failures and deaths play an important role in the game progress. Here, you will control a square box that has to pass through many challenging obstacles such as thorny spikes and lakes, and only its past lives can help in overcoming all the difficulties. 

Every time the box dies, it leaves a trail that can be used as a platform to overcome obstacles. Make it through levels that at first glance seem impossible by using the traces left by previous attempts. The more times you fail, the more traces will be left, which gradually makes passing levels easier, so don't be afraid of failing.

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